Thursday, January 12, 2012

Get Parking in Nairobi – What People are Saying!

There has been a drastic increase in the number of vehicles within the streets of Nairobi. This is the reason why the City of Nairobi is always facing heavy traffic jams, making people reach the office late in the morning. In addition to this, some of the motorists have to move from one parking lot to another, looking for parking space. Some of them have to wake up really early so that they can get a parking space.

What if you could book for parking space beforehand?

The following survey was done at one of the parking lots in the city: (Total number of respondents: 40)

Q How sure are you that you will get parking in this parking lot when you arrive
37% said they were very sure
63% were not sure at all

Q Approximately how long do you park your vehicle?
4% park for 1-3 hours
26% park for 3-5 hours
70% park for 6-8 hours (full day)

Q What would you prefer?
36% preferred to Book for parking beforehand
64% preferred to Pay-as-you-park

Q If you prefer to book for parking beforehand, what are your thoughts on an online car parking booking system?
68% think it’s a Good idea
24% believe it’s Worth trying
8% said it’s Not a Good idea

From the above, as much as people still prefer the conventional way of getting parking i.e. pay-as-you-park, there is a certain group of people who are willing to book for parking beforehand. It is for such people that I recommend the Nairobi Online Parking System. This system enables motorists to book for parking online.

So why would you want to book for parking beforehand instead of pay-as-you-park? Here are some reasons:

- You get to save on fuel. Instead of moving from one parking lot to another trying your luck in getting parking, you can book once and for all and forget about wasting fuel driving around. This leads to the next point which is it saves time.

- You get to save time. This in addition to the point above. Once you are assured of parking, you no longer have to waste time driving around the city.

- You get convenient parking. You get to choose the parking lot that is most convenient to you depending on where you are going. For example, there is no need for parking your vehicle around GPO and you have a meeting somewhere around Kencom Bus Station and there is a parking lot there.

You can read more about parking in Nairobi

Booking for Parking Online is About to Become a Reality

If there is one problem that is facing many motorists in the City of Nairobi is the issue of getting parking space. It was reported that close to 30,000 vehicles pass through the County of Nairobi. Out of these, slightly more than 10,000 pass through or park within the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD). But the number of parking spaces available cannot cater for this demand.

In fact, at some point, the City Council of Nairobi doubled its parking fee as a way of discouraging motorists from parking within the Nairobi CBD. In spite of this move, motorists were still willing to pay the hiked fee to get parking. This shows you how desperate people are in getting parking in Nairobi.

If it were possible to solve this problem of getting parking, I believe, many motorists in Kenya, especially in Nairobi would be very happy. It is for this reason that I introduce you to Nairobi Online Parking System. This is an online system that enables motorists to book for parking in Nairobi at one of the parking lots that are available. Here are some reasons why you should consider using the Nairobi Online Parking System:

- It provides convenience to motorists – Instead of parking you vehicle at a parking lot that is kilometers away from your destination, you can choose to park your car at a parking lot that is convenient and is close to where you are headed.

- It saves on time – Time is money. Wasting time is wasting money. When you are assured of parking, you don’t have to waste time driving from one corner of Nairobi to another looking for parking. This saves you time as you go directly to the parking lot you had reserved parking and head for your appointment.

- It saves on fuel – In recent times, we have seen how the price of fuel has sky-rocketed, and when it comes down, it’s only by a few shillings. By booking for parking in Nairobi beforehand, you get to save on fuel. You no longer have to drive around wasting fuel and looking for parking. Once you have reserved parking, you save on fuel.

These are just but a few benefits of the Nairobi Online Parking System. Considering the hard economic times that are facing us, it would be worth trying it out.

Find out What People Are Saying about booking for parking online.

Read about Solutions to the Problem of Getting Parking in Nairobi.

Nairobi Online Parking System - Book for Parking while Stuck in Traffic!

There are so many benefits when it comes to owning a car. It is one of the American dreams to own a car and that dream has crept into Kenya where owning a car has become very easy. Most people who are driving cars within the Nairobi Central Business District (NCBD) are within the age bracket of 18-40, which we may qualify as youthful.

But with owning a car in the NCBD comes many other issues. One of the major issues facing Nairobi motorists is traffic jams. From Monday to Friday, you will hear motorists complaining of traffic jams on radio shows. You will find some motorists even leaving their homes as early as 6am and will get to the office at 8am. This is not because where they stay is far; No! In fact, if there was no traffic jam, they would get to their places of work in about 10-15 minutes.

While stuck in jam, they also have to contemplate on the fuel they are using and also where they will get parking. Most residents of Nairobi know how difficult it is to get parking, especially in the NCBD. Sometimes these motorists have to move from one end of the NCBD to other looking for parking. Eventually, the parking they get is not convenient and they even fear for what might happen to their vehicles.

So the question would be: how can we solve all these issues?

Well, I have a solution to one of them: Book for parking online in Nairobi. This is a very simple solution where motorists are provided with a range of parking lots to choose from then they get to book for the parking in Nairobi beforehand. A parking space is then reserved for you. Upon the arrival of the motorist to that particular parking lot, they will be issued with a receipt of that parking lot and would have to pay again. The online system acts as a go-between the motorist and the parking lot.

How will this help you may ask?

- You get to save time on more important things because you have already dealt with one of the many problems you face everyday which is parking
- In the long run, you eventually cut down on fuel costs as you will not have to drive around the City of Nairobi looking for parking
- You get to choose a parking lot that is convenient to your destination

Find out What People Are Saying about booking for parking online.

You can read more on easy ways to Get Parking in Nairobi.

Get Parking in Nairobi

It was recently reported by one of the media houses that about 30,000 vehicles pass through Nairobi County every day. This is a huge number indeed! This is because Nairobi is the hub of Kenya and many things happen within this city. Such large numbers have led to traffic jams that last for hours on end. This is one of the problems that Kenyan motorists have to face every single morning.

To add insult to injury, the motorists, who are stuck in jam, are not sure of getting parking, unless they have fully reserved for one. Not all motorists have the capability of reserving parking. This may be because they may just be going to the city for a meeting or for a short stay. Such motorists, who form the majority, would have to drive from one end of the Nairobi Central Business District (NCBD) to another looking for parking. Most of the time, the parking space they find is usually kilometers away from their destination and thus, would have to walk to that particular place. One of the worries such motorists would have is the safety of their vehicles because of the distance of their destination. These are just some of the problems that are facing motorists in Nairobi County.

A solution has been found to solve this parking crisis. The solution is to book for parking in Nairobi. This can be done online. The Nairobi Online Parking System enables motorists to view a number of parking lots available within the Nairobi CBD and choose the one that is most convenient to them, depending on their destination. This greatly helps motorists to save time and fuel.

The online system can be accessed through the internet. All one has to do is to go to the website, register the necessary details and book for parking in the parking lot that is most convenient to them. Motorist no longer have to be worried in traffic jams about getting parking space; they also don’t have to waste fuel driving from one end of the city to another looking for parking space. All they have to do is to book for parking online and their space will be reserved at the particular parking lot in Nairobi.

With the many problems facing Kenyans living in Nairobi, solving this one problem can make you concentrate on other more important problems

Find out What People Are Saying about booking for parking online.

Read more on Solutions to Nairobi's Parking Problems.

Book for Parking Online - Solving Nairobi Parking Problems

Getting parking space in the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) and, in general, Nairobi County is quite a difficult task. This has mainly been influenced by the increase in number of motorists in the city and also in the business district. Since the cost of purchasing a car has greatly gone down, many people in the city of Nairobi and, generally, in Kenya can be able to get one for themselves. Currently, there are many vehicles that are used on Kenya roads and there is a great influx of both private and public vehicles into the city of Nairobi.

With this in mind, many people would like to use their cars as they go to work. The public parking spaces are limited, inadequate, not totally secure and are not enough to hold the number of cars that are coming into the CBD. In fact, some of the side parking spaces in the city form part of the streets and road, and in future will be totally eliminated.

The Kenya government is also in the process of coming up with private parking spaces instead of using the side parking spaces that are run by the City Council of Nairobi. This will be in form of buildings and open area car parks that will have parking systems within them. In the past, cars parked in the public places have been tampered with by street boys and some of the components of the cars went missing.

Another problem when it comes to getting parking spaces is that sometimes motorists get inconvenient parking and have to walk for kilometers or even board a public service vehicle to get to their intended destination. This means they will have to part with extra money possibly when there is a parking space at a parking area that is close to their destination.

With the above problem statement in mind is quite evident that parking space is needed. But how to you get parking space without wasting time and fuel driving around?

The answer is quite simple: why not book for parking beforehand. As strange as it may sound, you can book for parking in Nairobi, in one of the many parking lots in the city. This would save you a lot of time driving around the city looking for parking. Also, you get to choose the most convenient parking lot in Nairobi that is close to the destination you are headed to.

Find out What People Are Saying about booking for parking online.

Read about the realization of an Online Parking System in Nairobi.